Research interests
My GFZ profile page has the most up-to-date information! This site is less frequently updated.
I am a research scientist at GFZ in the Earth Surface Process Modelling at GFZ-Potsdam for the moment mainly continue researching the interactions of sea-level variations and active tectonics that I started during a postdoc at UCSC with Noah Finnegan.
I previously received my PhD in geology at the California Institute of Technology, working with Jean-Philippe Avouac and Michael Lamb and obtained my BSc and MSc at ETH Zurich with Sébastien Castelltort.
I am a research scientist at GFZ in the Earth Surface Process Modelling at GFZ-Potsdam for the moment mainly continue researching the interactions of sea-level variations and active tectonics that I started during a postdoc at UCSC with Noah Finnegan.
I previously received my PhD in geology at the California Institute of Technology, working with Jean-Philippe Avouac and Michael Lamb and obtained my BSc and MSc at ETH Zurich with Sébastien Castelltort.
My main two axes of interest are 1) coupled tectonic-surface process systems such as marine terraces on active coastlines and how they record crustal deformation. 2) the fluvial transport of sediments on the Earth's surface, from the mechanisms of transport to the sedimentary record of the Earth history.
For my postdoc, I worked on tectonic geomorphology of subduction margins and on potential biases held within the marine terrace record. I currently continue that line of work at GFZ. For my PhD I focused on the modulation of the sediment-routing system across alluvial piedmonts. We used the north Tian Shan field site (pictured above) to quantify the combined effects of external forcing and authigenic feedbacks with the goal of defining a universal "sediment transfer function". I used field observations, dating of terrace abandonment and sediment deposition, fluvial survey together with numerical models for river entrenchment. |